Understand Your Purpose With the Power of Human Design

abbey rae wilson

December 6, 2023
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Join us on The Higher Self with Danny Morel as we chat with Abbey Rae Wilson, a Human Design expert. Abbey, who identifies as a 6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator, shares how Human Design changed her life and unexpectedly led her to start a business in this field.

In this episode, Abbey breaks down the different Human Design types in a simple, easy-to-understand way. She’ll explain how knowing your type can impact your life and work. Expect to hear personal stories and straightforward insights about each type.

If you’re curious about Human Design or already a fan, Abbey’s conversation with Danny is a great chance to learn more.

Tune in for a down-to-earth talk about Human Design and discover more about yourself and others. Abbey Rae Wilson makes it fun and informative – don’t miss it!

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